5 November 2016 (Updated 8 Deember 2016)

Petition to sack Lord Chief Justice

Theresa May rigged Gina Miller's Brexit lawsuit to justify a snap election

Breaking News: Over 100 MPs were informed that the lawsuit was rigged, and now Parliament has sidestepped the lawsuit (8 Dec 2016)

While the Prime Minister, in public, expresses frustration with the verdict of three High Court judges - which ruled that Article 50 cannot be triggered without the consent of Parliament – emails sent to and from Parliament and the judiciary shows she knew in advance that Gina Miller, the claimant, was in a position to blackmail all the other parties involved. Baron Thomas, the Lord Chief Justice and lead judge in the lawsuit, and Jeremy Wright MP, the Attorney General, who represented the government, as defendant, had concealed frauds of Deutsche Bank, the partner of SCM Direct – Gina Miller's principal business.

Deutsche Bank, which has demanded £133 billion from the EU, stands to lose billions if Britain invokes Article 50 before the bailout is agreed.

Lord Chief Justice, Baron Thomas, ignored Deutsche Bank's systematic perjury in a Birmingham lawsuit that alleged silver price manipulation against seven banks (BM40B021).

Recently, in a New York lawsuit Deutsche Bank confessed to silver rigging that it had denied in the High Court and Court of Appeal in a lawsuit in Birmingham and incriminating Scotiabank and HSBC as co-conspirators. The Lord Chief Justice violated the Data Protection Act by refusing to admit to the claimant that the appeal court judge, Lord Ian Burnett, had no transcript of hearing, when Burnett dismissed over twenty allegations of misconduct against Simon Brown QC, the High Court judge, who had struck out the Birmingham lawsuit, on the basis that references to FCA reports against the defendants for market manipulation were 'vexatious'. An Information Commission Office inquiry proved that no such transcript ever existed. The Lord Chief Justice also refused to re-open the appeal, even though he knew the defendants had lied to the courts and were guilty of all the allegations made against them.

In the Birmingham lawsuit the claimant alleged that Deutsche Bank had destroyed bullion trading receipts – a violation of Anti Money Laundering control laws – to conceal illicit bullion trade with the Russian Mafia. This was corroborated by the FCA and BaFin that recently fined Deutsche Bank for money laundering, and by the New Yorker magazine that reported that Deutsche Bank set up Russian offices to launder money to London, the sum involved being some $10 billion.

Jeremy Wright MP – responsible for the Serious Fraud Office's refusal to investigate Deutsche Bank's $10 billion money laundering fraud, costing taxpayers over £2 billion in lost tax revenue

Jon Thompson, head of the HMRC was informed that the money laundering implied tax evasion, and he petitioned the Serous Fraud Office to investigate. Shortly before the petition the Treasury Committee was informed that the Financial Conduct Authority and the Serious Fraud Office had both failed to investigate claims in the Birmingham lawsuit that would have exposed Deutsche Bank's fake gold audit months before the result of the New York verdict, and this implied that the heads of the both departments misled Parliament, having denied that there was any evidence of gold price manipulation, when they knew otherwise. The Serious Fraud Office, under supervision by the Attorney General, refused HMRC's petition, which could have cost the country some £2 billion in lost tax revenue.

Prior to the lawsuit, Theresa May was informed of the Lord Chief Justice's malfeasance, the failure of the SFO and FCA to follow evidence that would have established Deutsche Bank's money laundering and silver price manipulation in 2014 and the refusal of the SFO to accept HMRC's petition (ref 9559) to assess Deutsche Bank's money laundering tax liabilities, when the SFO is supervised by Jeremy Wright MP. She knew in advance that all sides in the lawsuit were compromised by Deutsche Bank that stands to make billions from government procrastination against Article 50 being invoked. It seems she has planned to use a lawsuit she knew was rigged as an excuse for a general election.

Mark Anthony Taylor

Click here for the latest batch of incriminating emails against the Attorney General.

Petition to sack Lord Chief Justice